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How to reduce loneliness and increase support to grow your business

Posted on 1 October, 2020 by Lyndsey Segal in Business Coaching

Running a business is exciting and rewarding but it can also be challenging and lonely.

Without a line manager and team to provide guidance, support and encouragement, it can be difficult to develop personally and professionally. 

The importance of a network

Creating emotional connections at a time where it is harder to have physical connections is key. A supportive network has never been so important.

Knowing we have people to turn to, to ask questions or bounce ideas around with is invaluable.

Sometimes this is enough but sometimes we may need more.

We may need specific support, to be challenged and to be asked specific questions to help us reflect, see things from a different perspective and to empower us to create change and take action. 

I am excited to offer Action Learning this to my community – to help fellow business owners improve the way they run their businesses.

What is Action Learning?

Action Learning is an established, popular and successful way for people to learn and develop together.

It brings a group of six business owners (known as a set) together, through expertly facilitated confidential group sessions, to help each other make improvements to the way they run their businesses. Action Learning is also available for teams.

How does it work?

At each Action Learning set, two participants talk about their specific business issues or challenges.

The other participants support them, in a structured way, to find (re)solutions, create change and take action.

At the following action learning set, participants share their progress with the rest of the set, where everyone has as an opportunity to learn from their experiences. 

The process is repeated each month until every participant has had the opportunity to work on their business issues/challenges.

Training in giving supportive feedback, through the use of effective listening, reflecting and questioning skills is provided.

How long does it last?

We meet once a month for three months in October, November and December 2020.

Each session lasts for two hours and takes place on Zoom.

At the end of the three months, you can choose to continue with another block of three months within the same set, change sets or leave.

What are the benefits of Action Learning?

  • Focused time to think, reflect and take action
  • Support to enable business growth and development
  • A space to test out ideas and receive feedback
  • Gain insight into different ways of working
  • Networking and building relationship opportunities
  • Updated CPD (Continuous professional development)

How much does it cost?


Sounds great! How do I join?

 You can register your interest here.