back to business September

5 effective ways to get back to business this September

Posted on 1 September, 2020 by Lyndsey Segal in Business Coaching

There’s something about September that always feels like a fresh start, a new beginning.

Before becoming a Business Coach and Trainer, I was a Teacher for twelve years and before that a student. I think the back to school feeling in September has remained an ingrained milestone in my and many others’ lives long after our school days have passed.

September brings with it an opportunity for change, creativity and productivity.

A lot of businesses are returning to work; whether working from homeremote working or back at the office/premises or a combination of these.

Therefore, September is a great time for us to step back, reflect and plan how we can most effectively use the remaining quarter of the year. 

How best to move our businesses forward and achieve our annual business goals?

Here are 5 effective ways to get back to business this September and how my business coaching modules can help and support you:

1. Gain clarity 

“Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity.”

James Clear, Entrepreneur and Author.

I really like this quote. It represents the essence of my work as a Business Coach. 

Clarity is an essential thread that runs through all areas of running a business. Whether it be clarity of our business goals, our business plans, pricing or new ideas and opportunities, clarity gives us confidence. It makes us feel that anything and everything is possible… 

Once we have clarity of our business offering, it is easier to find clarity to communicate your business clearly and consistently to our audience and grow our businesses. 

My Coaching for clarity business coaching module is like a business check-up! Whether you want help to get a new business idea off the ground, navigate the next steps for your business or review your pricing or strategy, you’ll leave with a clear way forward and actionable next steps for your business.

2. Set goals

September is a great month to reflect, re-evaluate our business goals and if necessary, adjust or set new business goals for the remainder of the year.

Clear written goals have a wonderful effect on our thinking. They help us gain clarity and focus for the direction of our business and motivate us to take action. 

Make sure your goals are S-M-A-R-T (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound).

3. Create an action plan

“A goal without a plan is just a dream.” 

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. 

How true!

Breaking down goals into smaller, achievable targets with a specific timescale helps to keep us focused and motivated. 

Writing down our goals, keeping them visible and sharing them holds us accountable and more likely to achieve our goals.

Remember to celebrate your victories as you reach milestones along the way!

If you want to create motivating business goals and a structured action plan to achieve them, check out my Business planning and development module.

4. Be consistent with your marketing

A clear business message will help to get your business noticed. Consistently communicating your message will help your business to be more memorable.

Make sure your marketing goals are aligned with your business goals to keep focused and relevant.

Knowing your target audience helps to plan and schedule valuable content across the relevant channels to increase awareness, engagement and sales.

My Marketing your business module will help you communicate, promote and grow your business with clarity and confidence.

5. Manage your time effectively

Everyone has the same 24 hours in the day. However, what we get out of those 24 hours depends on how we spend them. It’s how we use our time. Scheduling, time blocking and prioritising are key.

Good time management also reduces stress. It enables us to take back control of our time and to handle the demands of our business better. 

Learn tools, tips and techniques to help you manage your time and workload more effectively and boost your productivity with my Time management and productivity module.

With the last quarter of the year remaining, September is a great time to ask what else we want to achieve in our businesses and how we can achieve them. Gaining clarity, setting goals, following an action plan, having consistent marketing and effective time management will help get us back to business and boost our productivity this September.

How I can help you

Business coaching modules

I offer holistic business support through my 7 business coaching modules to help you gain clarity and focus, find solutions to your business challenges and implement and manage change. 

The modules are available individually or as a package for individuals, businesses and teams.

Accountability coaching

As your accountability coach, I will help you find clarity and focus for your next steps, keep you on track and hold you accountable to achieve your business goals. 

Business coaching & networking event: Effective social media content for your business

Get inspired to create effective social media content to grow your audience and your business while networking with other business owners.

Thursday, 24th July, 10am-12pm via Zoom

Book your business coaching and networking ticket today