
5 ways to build productive habits and achieve your 2024 goals

Posted on 2 January, 2024 by Lyndsey Segal in Business Coaching, Professional Coaching

January is an opportune time to create new and motivating goals for the year ahead.

However, setting goals is not enough on its own.

We need to build productive habits and consistently embed them into the way we work in order to achieve our goals. 

Here are 5 ways to build productive habits and achieve your 2024 goals:

1. Set SMART goals 

SMART is an acronym that you can use to guide your goal setting.

SMART goals are:






This can be expanded to SMARTER to include the extra focus areas of Evaluated and Reviewed.

2. Keep your goals visible

We are 42% more likely to reach our goals if we write them down and keep them visible. 

Whether they are saved on your desktop, written on a noticeboard above your desk or on your devices, keeping your goals visible will help keep them top of mind and encourage you to take regular steps to achieve them.

Share your goals with your colleagues, collaborators, family and friends.

3. Break your goal down into everyday actions

Breaking your goals down into actionable steps will help them feel more manageable and achievable.

This will also help to create your weekly tasks and daily actions.

Add these to a task manager app or project manager tool to keep you focused and organised.

4. Track and measure your progress

As the old saying goes: “If we don’t measure it, we can’t manage it.” 

Tracking your progress at regular intervals helps maintain motivation, provides a sense of achievement and enables necessary adjustments to keep you focused and on track.

5. Regularly reflect on your goals

Having review points to reflect on your achievements, challenges and progress towards your goals is important.

Weekly, monthly and quarterly reviews will help you evaluate your progress toward your goals and determine your next steps. 

Answering these three questions will help:

  1. What progress have I made?
  2. What challenges have I experienced?
  3. What do I need to change or do next? 

Reward yourself upon reaching important milestones and achieving your goals.

Setting SMART professional goals, keeping them visible, breaking them down into everyday actions, measuring your progress and regularly reflecting on your goals are five ways to build productive habits that will keep you focused, hold you accountable and enable you to achieve your goals.

Many people know the goals they want to achieve but don’t know how to get there. 

This is how I can help:

1-1 coaching

ENERGISER business coaching programme

My signature 6-month business coaching programme, designed to supercharge your business and boost your productivity.

Goal setting & action planning session

Create your next business goals and develop an action plan to guide and grow your business.

Group/team training

Goal setting and action planning workshop

Create business goals and a step-by-step action plan to develop your team and business.

Time management and productivity training

Learn tools, tips and techniques to help your team or organisation manage their time and workload more effectively and boost their productivity.

Productivity tools and resources

Planning for productivity pack

A bundle of reusable templates to help you create and structure your business goals, plan your days and weeks effectively and prioritise your time and tasks.

Productivity Prompts

Buy your pack of Productivity Prompts to help plan your day, prioritise your tasks and boost your motivation and wellbeing.